
Showing posts from 2008

New Student Work: Photo 232 Portraiture

Spokane Ag Expo Contest

Please Submit to the Artluck Slideshow

Join the Photo Arts Club!

Students can exhibit work at new photography gallery!

SFCC Photography is featured on CCS Connections Broadcast

SFCC Photography students win 2008 ADDY Awards!

Mamyia offers student discounts

Photography Conference at SFCC on April 25th and 26th

Bruce Hudson Seminar in Spokane April 28th

Goodwill Industries Seeks Fashion Photographers

Industry Experts Critique Student Work

Emergency evacuation drill is scheduled for April 14th

Important Financial Aid Meeting March 3rd!

Field trip to J. Craig Sweat Photography

Life's Golden Ticket Event - Free for SFCC students!

R&R Color Lab offers Early Spring Specials!

Every scar has a story...

SFCC Student goes to China

Chris Thompson - Best of College Photography 2008

Jeff Ferguson get's published!

Applications for the 2008 Wave Scholarship are now available.

Student Discount on Annual 2-Day PSA Seminar

SFCC Student is published in the INLANDER