Please Submit to the Artluck Slideshow
This is a reminder about submitting for the Artluck Show being held on November 4th. Please note the change in location. We will be at SFCC instead of the IEL this time.
Event Date: Tuesday, November 4, 2008 at 6:00 pm at Spokane Falls Community College Building 24 Room 110.
Deadline for Submissions: October 23, 2008 at 5:00 pm. Please see the linked guidelines for more information.
What: The Artluck show brings together artists, curators, and the public to view art. It combines a slideshow with a potluck to which members of the Eastern Washington arts, photography, and media communities share a buffet dinner, bring a drink (non-alcoholic) to share, and a readiness to watch an incredibly diverse array of artwork. The Institute for Extended Learning will provide some food for the event but guests must bring non-alcoholic beverages. There is no entrance fee or guest list except for a non-alcoholic beverage to share such as soda, juice, or water. Following the dinner, the lights are dimmed, the crowd is hushed, and a spectacular slideshow is presented. Please RSVP if you will attend.
Who: The event is open to photographers, artists, sculptors, photo editors, curators, journalists, and other members of the media and community. Presenters range from the very accomplished to the up and coming, but regardless of status, no one is allotted more than 4 minutes for their slideshow. Participants are encouraged to take creative risks, in terms of content and presentation. Slideshows can be accompanied by music or commentary.
Submitting work: All artists must submit their work in digital format on a CD, mailed or delivered to Jim Mohr, Institute for Extended Learning (IEL), 3305 W. Fort George Wright Dr. Box 3090, Spokane, WA 99224 or deliver the CD to Spokane Falls Community College, Photo Building, Room 115. See Guidelines for more details.
Where: IEL Lodge at 3305 W Fort George Wright Dr. It is located across the street from the SFCC campus.
Contact: Jim Mohr at 509-279-6081 or